Long time, no post. I have been due for my annual MRI and Mammogram since August 2013. Since I started a new job which doesn't offer Kaiser, I had to change to a high-deductible plan- meaning all Dr. visits and procedures are paid for out of pocket until the $3,100 dollar is reached. Since I don't have $3,100 sitting around for a rainy day, I decided I would try and save up in an HSA until I could afford it.
I finally let my new Onco know what the hold up was, and her team gave me the info for Albie Aware, a non-profit organization created specifically for screening women who are underinsured or have no insurance. I thought it was too good to be true, but sure enough they asked me some basic questions and I received a free of charge MRI from Capitol Imaging. As soon as I am finished with school, I plan on becoming very involved with these people and spreading their cause- this is the real kind of pink ribbon organization we should be walking, running and selling cookies for- without them, I would still be sitting around wondering if my boobs were ticking time bombs.
Unfortunately, MRI's are so great that they suck. They found "a 5 mm enhancing nodule in the central portion of the left breast" (my "good" boob). Since this has been pretty itchy for a while, my Dr. wanted a biopsy. Well, Albie paid for the scanning, but I had no choice but agree to the biopsy through Sutter- so I'll be waiting for the bill from that one. I had it done yesterday and it was just as fun as the stereo biopsy I had last time. They put me in and out of an MRI machine and used what sounded like a power drill for quite a while on my poor innocent boob. They even found a second suspicious spot so I guess I got a BOGO biopsy.
So after many nights of tossing and turning since the original scan- I'm happy to report I have a meaningless case of Interlobular Fibrosis AKA chronic inflammation. Another milestone achieved towards my 5 year goal of no detection.
In other news: I'll be done with school at the end of May, and my brother is getting married sometime after that! My little one just turned 4 which means Kindergarten research is starting soon. Big and happy moments to remind us what life is all about, and what we fight for.
If you have the means or know anyone looking for a cause to support, please think of Albie Aware, I am forever grateful for their charity.